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Lessons from cormorants

Starting points, destinations and the place in-between

Walking on the prom with a friend the other day, we spotted a cormorant diving beneath the choppy surface of the Mersey.

Seconds ticked by as we scanned the surface for signs of  its reemergence and after what seemed like an age later, a head bobbed up in a totally different spot.

This amazing bird continued its underwater foraging as others appeared, each ducking under and later popping up in a new place. Mostly they came up with nothing, but continued the quest from their new starting place.

I could learn a lot from cormorants, I thought. Here are a few of my musings.

Start from where you are and give it a go.

Stay focussed but don’t be scared to change tack and explore new possibilities. Who knows, the next stretch of “water” may be a fruitful one.

Get to know the difference between restless, dissatisfied seeking and clarity of vision and intention.

Remember the grace and ease of the cormorant as it plunges underwater without excess energy.

Know when to rest, when to forge ahead, when to pause and re-assess.

Letting go of outcome can be helpful and less painful.

Life is unpredictable, acceptance is useful.

Thank you cormorants for helping me to reflect.

Image by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

About Pip Bellis
I am a level III mindfulness practitioner and yoga teacher who loves to help people find greater meaning, satisfaction and ease in their lives.

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